PIR estimates. Determination of the cost of design and survey work. Estimates PIR Basic principles of budget preparation

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The government of Moscow

Chapter 9

Additional and related work

Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs

Lost force on January 1, 2019 on the basis
Order of Moskomekspertiza dated December 26, 2018 N MKE-OD/18-74

Collection 9.1 "Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative-methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. MRR-9.1-16" (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) was developed by specialists of the State Autonomous Institution "NIAC" (S.V. Lakhaev, E A. Igoshin, A. V. Minaeva).

The collection was approved and put into effect on January 9, 2017 by order of the Moscow City Committee on pricing policy in construction and state examination of projects dated December 29, 2016 N MKE-OD/16-75.

The collection is an integral part of the Unified Regulatory Framework of the Ministry of Regional Development.

The collection was developed to replace MRR-


This Collection 9.1 "Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. MRR-9.1-16" (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) was developed in accordance with the state assignment.

This Methodology is intended for use by government customers, design and other interested organizations when calculating the initial (maximum) prices of contracts and determining the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow and for which there are no regulatory and methodological documents on pricing.

When developing the Methodology, the following regulatory and methodological documents were used:

- Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

- Moscow regional recommendations. Chapter 4 "Architectural and construction design. Basic design work" ;

- Collection 1.1 "General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16".

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Methodology is an integral part of the Unified regulatory framework of the MRR.

1.2. When determining the cost of work based on this Methodology, one should also be guided by the provisions of collection 1.1 "General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16".

1.3. Bringing the base cost of work determined in accordance with this Methodology to the current price level is carried out by applying a conversion factor (inflationary change), approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. The main types of work (services), the cost of which is calculated on the basis of standardized labor costs in accordance with this Methodology, include:

- design work and urban planning work for which there are no normative and methodological documents on pricing in design, or the cost of which, in accordance with the “General Guidelines for the Application of Moscow Regional Recommendations. MRR-1.1-16” and other MRR collections, is recommended to be determined by standardized labor costs ;

- development of urban planning documentation and territorial planning documents, for determining the cost of development of which there are no regulatory and methodological documents;

- development of research and normative-methodological documentation;

- conducting marketing research.

1.5. To calculate the base price, standardized labor costs are accepted for a five-day, two-day-off, 40-hour workweek (Articles 91, 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.6. Basic prices calculated on the basis of the Methodology take into account the costs listed in paragraph 3.3 of MRR-1.1-16.

1.7. Basic prices calculated on the basis of the Methodology do not take into account the associated costs listed in paragraph 3.6 of the MRR-1.1-16.

1.8. When determining the cost of work based on base prices calculated according to this Methodology, coefficients that take into account complicating (simplifying) factors for performing work are not applied.

1.9. Reducing the time frame for completing work relative to the standard (if such a requirement is formalized in the prescribed manner) is taken into account by using correction factors, the values ​​of which are given in Table 4.1 MRR-1.1-16.

2. Methodology for calculating the cost of work

1.1. The cost of performing work is calculated based on base prices. Basic prices are calculated based on standardized labor costs, using the formula:


- base price of work;

- average output;

- planned duration of work;

- number of performers;

- coefficient that takes into account the level of qualification (participation) of performers in the development.

1.2. Average monthly output is calculated using the formula:


- average salary (accepted 9590 rubles/month);

P - level of profitability (accepted P = 10%);

- coefficient taking into account the share of wages in the cost (accepted 0.4).

1.3. The coefficient taking into account the level of qualification (participation) of performers in the development () is calculated using the formula:


- index of average monthly wages of direct performers;

- number of performers in groups with the same salary level;

- actual working time of performers with the same salary level.

Taking into account the basic values ​​of ZP, P and K and using formula 2.2, the average monthly unit (one worker) output for the work performed is calculated:


1.4. The standard duration of work is determined by the formula:

where is the cost of development.

The following table shows the recommended values ​​for = RUR 26,373.

Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

Development cost

(months), based on the number of employees (persons)

Thousand roubles.


1. The values ​​given in the table are not mandatory for calculations, but are intended for a preliminary assessment of the number of participants in the work.

2. With intermediate and missing values ​​of the number of workers (), the values ​​of the duration of work are determined by interpolation and extrapolation methods.

Table 2.2. Indices of the average monthly salary of direct executors (developers)

Table 2.2

Indices of the average monthly salary of direct executors (developers)

Job titles

Index of average monthly salary of direct performers

Head of a workshop, department, department, laboratory

Deputy head of a workshop, department, department, laboratory

Chief Project Architect (CAP), Chief Project Engineer (CPI), Head of Sector, Leading Researcher

Chief specialist, senior researcher

Group leader, group leader


Leading specialist, junior researcher

Architect (engineer, economist, specialist) category I

Architect (engineer, economist, specialist) II category

Architect (engineer, economist, specialist) III category

Architect (engineer, economist, specialist)



Table 1. Example of calculating the qualification (participation) coefficient of performers participating in the performance of work (services)

Table 1

An example of calculating the qualification (participation) coefficient of performers participating in the performance of work (services)

Names of performers' positions

Actual time of the performer's participation in the work, days

Planned continuation
duration of work, days

Number of performers of the same qualification, people.

Salary level index for specialists -
performers of work

Qualification (participation) coefficient of specialists

(gr.3: gr.4 x gr.5 x
x gr.6) / gr.5

Head of workshop

The chief architect of the project

Chief Specialist

Having practiced in the field of estimating the cost of design and survey work for about 7 years, I have made a huge number of conclusions regarding the complexity and imperfection of the pricing system in this area of ​​activity, I will add, an intellectual and expensive area of ​​​​commercial activity of design and survey bureaus.

Let me start with the fact that the assessment of the cost of design and survey work (hereinafter referred to in the text) is carried out at a time when there is no project yet, and, perhaps, there is not even a sketch of the future building, structure, linear object, etc. Quite recently I came across an “album” (a sketch of a future sports complex), in which the area, volume, the presence of built-in premises of the facility, the presence of nearby infrastructure, and 3 pictures of the desired sports complex were reported - it was necessary to determine the cost of the design.

Experience suggested that it was necessary, at a minimum, to understand the composition of the designed volumes. At the moment, the document defining the composition and content of project documentation , is . But this resolution contains only the composition of the volumes of the project, as well as the composition of the content of engineering surveys, which in percentage terms can be about 20-25% of the cost of the main design work; the composition and content for the design of external engineering networks is also not clear: water supply, sewerage , electricity supply, gas supply, etc....

I won’t exaggerate, there are answers to these questions (if you ask yourself), it’s worse if we simply miss these volumes.

So, in order to determine the composition and content of engineering surveys, it is enough to refer to the Methodological manual for determining the cost of engineering surveys for the construction of the State Committee for Construction of Russia: Federal State Unitary Enterprise PNIIIS Gosstroy of Russia, 2004, which sets out the composition of the necessary surveys - geology, geodesy, ecology, and also provides a list of documents defining the composition of these surveys, what samples and in what quantities need to be carried out at the study site.

It remains to deal with the design of external engineering networks - the answer is TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (hereinafter referred to as TOR), in which the customer (sometimes the designer himself) formulated the requirements and list of gas, water, electricity, etc. networks necessary for commissioning, and also the necessary technical conditions for connecting to these networks (determine the distances to the nearest input points or generating facilities).

Stage 1 – initial data, completed!

The 2nd stage, admittedly, is no less difficult - determining the cost of design and survey work!

There are 3 possible methods for calculating the cost of design work and 2 possible methods for calculating the cost of engineering surveys.

Methods for estimating the cost of design work.

Calculation based on natural indicators of the object (NPO)

The 1st calculation method is based on the natural indicators of the object (hereinafter referred to as NPO) - area, volume, length of linear objects, productivity for generating objects, etc., to which certain basic price indicators correspond in the collections of basic prices. At the moment, this is the most convenient and reliable method for determining the price of design work. About 250 collections of basic prices for most types of work have been developed. SBC are used for the federal budget and municipal budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For the Moscow region and the Moscow city budget of the State Unitary Enterprise NIAC "Moscomarchitectures", Moscow Regional Recommendations, abbreviated as MRR, have been developed, which are mandatory when calculating estimates for design and development works when financed from the Moscow City Budget. More details about this calculation method can be found in the Guidelines for determining PIR, approved.

Calculation of design and survey work based on construction costs (OCC)

The second and less convenient method of calculation is calculating the cost of design and survey work as a percentage of the cost of construction and installation work, which is not always convenient due to the lack of estimates before design, and it is also not always possible to find an analogue object. There are a number of directories of analogue objects and methods for the aggregated determination of construction costs, for example: construction price standards (NCS) are included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards; regional construction directory RSS-2014, feasibility study estimate - developed by Mosstroytsen OJSC, etc.

Having determined the cost of construction using any possible method, as a percentage of the cost of construction and installation works , reported in Directories and collections of basic prices, we determine the cost of design and survey work. Again, in more detail in MU 2010 approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of December 29, 2009 No. 620.

Calculation of the cost of design and survey work based on labor costs

3rd method - loved by the contractor and unloved by the customer - labor costs (hereinafter referred to as 3p, why 3p is a form for calculating estimates for labor costs, approved under form number 3P). With this method, the actual time of participation of designers in the development of any volume of the project or structural element of the building and other types of work that are not included in reference books and collections of basic prices is determined. The method is convenient for the designer in connection with the determination of the actual time of participation of specialists in the development of the project by expert means; the performer himself decides who and how much time participates in the design. This results in design costs. Read more about this method in the Explanations of Tsentrinvestproekt for 1999.

Determination of the cost of engineering surveys.

The main method for determining the price of engineering surveys is calculation based on natural indicators reported in directories and collections of basic prices for 1991 and 2001. At the moment, for research there are only federal reference books of basic prices, which are used for any source of financing, but for Moscow money we must not forget about the city order standard reported in.

The second possible method for determining the cost of research is labor costs. Here everything is similar to labor costs in design, we determine the actual time of participation of specialized specialists, and therefore we get the price.

Automation of estimate calculations PIR. PIR program

At this point in time, all of the above methods for calculating design and survey work, as well as the mentioned SBC and MRR are contained and automated in, for your information, the federal SBC directories are included in the system on the basis of a direct agreement with CENTRINVESTproject. The program allows you to use search engines to select the desired price, read the necessary methodological documents, and also upload documentation in any convenient format XLS, PDF, Word... The program allows you to simplify the task by at least 3 times in relation to the usual calculation in Excel, and also removes We have problems with you regarding monitoring the relevance of the collections, because... opposite the reference books there are marks - whether the collection was included in the register of estimate standards or cancelled, and moreover - which reference book was published to replace the canceled one.

How to quickly learn how to calculate PIR correctly

For those who found this article interesting and useful, we recommend that you take training on ours! In just a few lessons you will learn methods for calculating design and survey work, learn about the composition and content of design and survey documentation, learn how to work in federal (SBC) and Moscow (MRR) directories, ask questions about the types of work that interest you when preparing estimates, study the leading program for calculating estimates, the PIR System, and also receive a certificate of short-term advanced training in the form established by the state.

The most important stage of the project is the preparation and subsequent completion of the estimate. This is done at the final stage of preparation for its implementation. Based on the prepared financial document, a calendar plan for the implementation of the undertaking and delivery schedules for the necessary materials and equipment are drawn up. Let's look further at examples of estimates and how to draw them up correctly.

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The estimate is a financial document that includes the prices of all work performed and the necessary tools and materials. In addition, it always includes overhead costs (about 15% of the total amount), unforeseen costs (2%) and the profit of the contractor (10-15%).

Basic principles of budgeting

Usually the organization that will carry out the work handles the calculations. She must coordinate all her actions with the customer. The more detailed all processes and materials are described (down to the number and brand of screws), the better. However, often in practice a simplified version is used, where only the main types of work, units of measurement, quantities, prices and costs of processes are indicated.

An example of an estimate for renovation work on a room in an apartment in a simplified version:

No. Title of works Units Quantity Price for 1 unit Cost of work
1 Dismantling partitions sq.m. 50 350 17500
2 Dismantling the balcony door PC. 1 1100 1100
3 Installation of partitions (foam blocks) sq.m. 50 600 30000
4 Plastering walls and partitions sq.m. 200 200 40000
5 Double putty, priming and painting of prepared surfaces sq.m. 200 3000 34000
6 Installation of a balcony door PC. 1 270 3000
7 Plastering slopes (windows and doors) sq.m. 16 250 4320
8 Improvement of slopes (putty, primer, painting) sq.m. 16 4000
Total according to estimate 133920

This sample estimate is applicable for making calculations for small-scale projects, and the entered data, if necessary, can easily be adjusted by agreement with the customer. It does not describe exactly how many bags of putty or cans of paint are required to complete the necessary work. The parties agree on the price per unit of measurement and the total cost, and the details (purchase of materials, transportation costs, removal of construction waste) are borne by the contractor.

Let's look at an example of an estimate compiled using a different method. In this case, all the necessary resources to complete the work at each stage are outlined.

At the request of the customer, an estimator or contractor can prepare several versions of estimates, taking into account various components (brand, price and quantity of materials, scope of work, quantity and technical indicators of equipment used, number of workers).

In what form are estimate documents drawn up?

For different types of work, different forms of drawing up financial documents are used. Let us pay attention to an example of an estimate for design and survey work (design and survey work), which is drawn up in accordance with form 3p. It is an annex to the contract between the parties, the cost here is determined by labor costs. Form 3p estimate is used to calculate the cost of research, design, environmental engineering, engineering and survey work.

Often such estimates consist of two tables. In the first, the level of labor costs is determined, and in the second, the cost of the work performed is calculated. The cost of work is proportional to the time spent on all processes and the remuneration of designers. The second table may also include other costs, such as depreciation, freight and travel costs, and material costs.

For construction work, other forms of estimates are provided:

  • Local is prepared for a specific type of work performed; it takes into account the costs of individual sections of construction or repair work.
  • The object one is formed within the framework of one object, combining all local estimates and their calculations related to this object. Its adjustment is made based on the data from the working documentation.
  • The summary estimate is based on site estimates and characterizes the total final cost of constructing a structure or building.

If it is not possible to draw up an accurate estimate due to the fact that there is no complete clarity on the specification of the materials used or changes will still be made to the project, then local and site-specific estimates can be drawn up. Also often used are estimates drawn up in the form KS-2 (act of acceptance of work performed) and KS-3 (certificate of costs and value of work performed).

Non-profit organizations, including budget ones, are required by law to prepare an annual budget for income and expenses.

Computer programs for financial calculations

Nowadays, many software products have been developed that can be used to prepare various financial documents. With a certain degree of convention, they can be divided into two groups:

  • Free. They can be freely found on the Internet, on thematic sites. Such programs have minimal functionality, allow you to perform the simplest calculations and do not have the function of updating regulatory frameworks.
  • Professional. They are used by specialists and require the purchase of a software and service product. The most popular and functional are “Smeta.ru”, “GRAND Smeta”, “1C: Contractor”, “Turbosmeta”, etc.

However, in the familiar Microsoft Excel program, you can also easily create an estimate template for the implementation of the required project.

To fill out the estimate, just insert the necessary indicators into the created form, all calculations will be carried out automatically.

If a project requires a large amount of various work and significant investments, then you should not undertake such serious calculations yourself without special knowledge. It is better to turn to specialists who are proficient in modern production technologies and the current situation in the building materials market. They will be able to give an objective picture of the expected costs and offer options for its possible optimization. By saving on the services of an estimator, you can lose more and not realize your plan at all.

The government of Moscow



Methodology for calculating the cost of design, scientific, normative and methodological, and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs



This Collection 9.1 "Methodology for calculating the cost of design, scientific, normative, methodological and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. MRR-9.1.02-18" (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) was developed in accordance with the state assignment.

This Methodology is intended for use by government customers, design and other interested organizations when calculating the initial (maximum) prices of contracts and determining the cost of design, scientific, normative, methodological and other types of work (services) carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow and for which there are no regulatory and methodological documents on pricing.

When developing the Methodology, the following regulatory and methodological documents were used:

- Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

- Collection 1.1 "General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16".

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Methodology is an integral part of the Unified regulatory framework of the MRR.

1.3. Bringing the base cost of work determined in accordance with this Methodology to the current price level is carried out by applying a conversion factor (inflationary change), approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. The main types of work (services), the cost of which is calculated on the basis of standardized labor costs in accordance with this Methodology, include:

Design work and urban planning work for which there are no regulatory and methodological documents on pricing in design, or the cost of which, in accordance with the “General Guidelines for the Application of Moscow Regional Recommendations. MRR-1.1-16” and other MRR collections, is recommended to be determined by standardized labor costs;

Development of urban planning documentation and territorial planning documents, for determining the cost of development of which there are no regulatory and methodological documents;

Development of research and normative-methodological documentation;

Conducting marketing research.

1.5. To calculate the base price, standardized labor costs are accepted for a five-day, two-day-off, 40-hour workweek (Articles 91, 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.6. Basic prices calculated on the basis of the Methodology take into account the costs listed in paragraph 3.3 of MRR-1.1-16.

1.7. Basic prices calculated on the basis of the Methodology do not take into account the following associated costs:

Travel and transportation costs associated with performing work outside the location of the performing organization;

Expenses for payment of services of organizations for translation from foreign and into foreign languages ​​of design and reference and methodological documentation;

Expenses for international and long-distance telephone conversations, as well as international and long-distance postal and telegraphic items associated with the performance of work;

Expenses for paying invoices of organizations approving and conducting examinations for work performed in accordance with the established procedure or on behalf of the customer in the event that these services are not included in the list of documents issued to applicants without charging a fee;

Costs of producing, at the customer’s request, additional copies of the developed documentation in excess of the required number of copies;

Expenses for paying bills for work in archives, museums, libraries, BTI, etc.;

Costs of paying bills to organizations providing data on traffic flows, climatic conditions and background concentrations of pollutants.

1.8. When determining the cost of work based on base prices calculated according to this Methodology, coefficients that take into account complicating (simplifying) factors for performing work are not applied.

1.9. Reducing the time frame for completing work relative to the standard (if such a requirement is formalized in the prescribed manner) is taken into account by using correction factors, the values ​​of which are given in Table 4.1 MRR-1.1-16.

2. Methodology for calculating the cost of work

2.1. The cost of completing the work is calculated based on the base price. The base price of work is calculated based on standardized labor costs using the formula:

Basic price of work (thousand rubles);

Basic average daily unit output of one direct contractor (thousand rubles);

The total duration of the work according to the calendar plan (days);

Total number of direct executors (persons);

A coefficient that takes into account the degree of participation of performers of various qualifications in development (qualification-participation coefficient).

2.2. Basic average daily unit output is calculated using the formula:

Basic average daily wage (accepted in accordance with clause 2.3);

P - level of profitability (accepted P = 10%);

A coefficient that takes into account the share of wages in the cost (assumed = 0.4).

2.3. The basic average daily wage is taken on the basis of the basic standard average monthly wage in the amount of 12,406 rubles/month. and the average number of working days in a month in the amount of 22 days and amounts to 564 rubles/day.

2.4. Taking into account the values ​​of the basic average daily wage, profitability and the coefficient taking into account the share of wages in the cost specified in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3, and using formula 2.2, the basic average daily unit output is calculated:

2.5. The coefficient taking into account the degree of participation of performers of various qualifications in the development () is calculated using the formula:

Qualification index of direct performers (accepted according to table 2.1);

Number of performers of the same qualifications (persons);

Actual working time of performers of the same qualifications (days).

Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

Job titles

Qualification index of direct performers

Head of a workshop, department, department, laboratory

Integrated Chief Project Architect (CHP), Integrated Chief Project Engineer (CPI) - Project Manager, Chief Researcher

Deputy head of a workshop, department, department, laboratory

Chief Project Architect (CAP), Chief Project Engineer (CPI), Head of Sector, Leading Researcher

Chief specialist, senior researcher

Group leader, group leader

Leading specialist (architect, engineer, economist), researcher

Architect (engineer, economist, specialist) category I, junior researcher

Architect (engineer, economist, specialist) II category

Architect (engineer, economist, specialist) III category

Architect (engineer, economist, specialist)


Table 1. Example of calculating the qualification-participation coefficient

Table 1

Names of performers' positions

time of participation of the performer

bodies at work, days

Total duration


work worries, days


of equal qualifications

cation, pers.

Qualification index

cation directly


Qualification-participation rate


Head of workshop

The chief architect of the project

Chief Specialist

Leading Specialist


Table 2. Example of calculating the base price of work

table 2

Basic medium

monthly norm-

executive salary

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