Classification of enterprise personnel. Categories of personnel Personnel is divided into the following categories

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Labor resources - this is a part of the working age population that has the necessary physical development, knowledge and practical experience to work in the national economy. Labor resources include both employed and potential workers.

Enterprise personnel (personnel, labor collective)- this is the totality of employees included in its payroll.

All employees of the enterprise are divided into two groups:

- industrial production personnel, engaged in production and its maintenance;
- non-industrial personnel, engaged mainly in the social sphere of the enterprise.

Based on the nature of the functions performed, industrial production personnel (IPP) are divided into four categories: workers, managers, specialists and technical performers (employees).

Workers - These are workers directly involved in the production of products (services), repairs, movement of goods, etc. These also include cleaners, janitors, cloakroom attendants, and security guards.

Depending on the nature of participation in the production process, workers, in turn, are divided into main (producing products) and auxiliary (serving the technological process).

Managers - employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions (functional services), as well as their deputies.

Specialists - workers performing engineering, technical, economic and other functions. These include engineers, economists, accountants, sociologists, legal advisers, standard setters, technicians, etc.

Technical performers (employees) - workers involved in the preparation and execution of documents, business services (clerks, secretaries-typists, timekeepers, draftsmen, copyists, archivists, agents, etc.).

Profession - a certain type of human activity (occupation), determined by the totality of knowledge and work skills acquired as a result of special training.

Speciality - a type of activity within a particular profession that has specific characteristics and requires additional special knowledge and skills from workers. For example: economist-planner, economist-accountant, economist-financier, economist-labor worker within the profession of economist. Or: fitter, fitter, plumber within the working profession of a mechanic.

Qualification - the degree and type of professional training of the employee, his knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform work or functions of a certain complexity, which is displayed in qualification (tariff) categories and categories.

Personnel or personnel of the enterprise- this is a set of workers of various professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll.

Structural characteristics The personnel of an enterprise is determined by the composition and quantitative ratio of individual categories and groups of employees of the enterprise.

Depending on their participation in the production process, all personnel of the enterprise are divided into two categories:

Industrial and production personnel (PPP);

Non-industrial personnel.

To non-industrial personnel include workers who are not directly related to production and its maintenance. Basically, these are workers employed in housing, communal and subsidiary farms, health centers, dispensaries, educational institutions, etc., i.e. employees of all institutions owned by the enterprise and on its balance sheet.

Personnel of the enterprise directly related to the process of production and its maintenance are industrial production personnel.

Industrial and production personnel, depending on the nature of the functions they perform, are classified into the following categories:




Workers (including junior service personnel);

To the leaders include employees holding positions of managers of the enterprise and their structural divisions, as well as their deputies in the following positions: directors, chiefs, managers, heads of structural units and divisions; chief specialists (chief accountant, chief engineer, chief mechanic, chief technologist, chief economist, etc.).

Depending on the teams they lead, production managers are usually divided into linear and functional. TO linear include managers heading teams of production divisions, enterprises, associations, industries, and their deputies; To functional – managers heading teams of functional services (departments, departments), and their deputies.

According to the level occupied in the general system of national economic management, all managers are divided into lower, middle and senior managers. TO lower level managers It is customary to include foremen, foremen, heads of small workshops, as well as heads of departments within functional departments and services. Middle managers Directors of enterprises, general directors of various associations and their deputies, and heads of large workshops are considered. TO senior managers usually include heads of financial industrial groups, general directors of large associations, heads of functional departments of ministries, departments and their deputies.

To the specialists The enterprise includes employees engaged in engineering, technical, economic, accounting, legal and other similar activities, i.e. accountants, psychologists, sociologists, artists, commodity experts, technologists, etc.

To the group of "employees" include workers involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, business services and office work (supply agents, cashiers, controllers, clerks, accountants, draftsmen, secretaries - typists, forwarders, etc.).

Workers, in turn, are divided into main and auxiliary. TO main include workers who are directly involved in the production of products, auxiliary – workers involved in production maintenance.

Quantitative characteristics the personnel of the enterprise, first of all, is measured by such indicators as: payroll; turnout; average number of employees.

Headcount employees of an enterprise is the number of employees on the payroll as of a certain date or date, taking into account the employees hired and departed for that day. The roster includes:

Actually working;

Those who are idle and absent for any reason (business trips, additional annual leave);

Those who did not appear with the permission of the administration;

Performing state and public duties;

Involved in agricultural work;

Those who did not show up due to illness;

Those on maternity leave;

Unpaid additional parental leave;

Working part-time or weekly;


where is the possible operating time, hour.

– actual operating time, hour.

The determining factor in the development of production is the personnel of the enterprise who directly perform certain functions of economic activity.

Personnel- this is a collection of employees of various professional and qualification groups employed by the company and included in its payroll.

Organization staff- the totality of all human resources that an organization possesses.

It is a collection of workers of certain categories and professions engaged in a single production activity aimed at achieving the goals of the company and their own goals.

Organization personnel structure

Personnel are the most important part of an enterprise and have a complex interconnected structure (organizational, functional, role, social and staffing).

Types of organizational management structures:
  • Organizational structure— this is the composition and subordination of interconnected management units.
  • Functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and individual divisions.
  • Role structure determines the composition and distribution of creative, communication and behavioral roles between individual employees of the enterprise and is an important tool in working with personnel.
  • Social structure characterizes the workforce according to social indicators (gender, age, profession and qualifications, nationality, education, etc.).
  • determines the composition of departments and the list of positions, the size of official salaries and the wage fund.

Personnel structure of the enterprise

According to structure (the proportion of each element of the workforce), personnel are divided into workers, specialists, technical performers and managers (united in a group of employees), as well as security workers (property, secrets and managers), junior service personnel and students. Workers include individuals directly involved in the creation of labor products in production. According to the method of participation in the production process, workers are divided into main and auxiliary. The main workers either directly (potter, carpenter, mason) or with the help of tools (turner, milling machine, tailor, etc.) act on the object of labor in order to obtain the product of labor. Auxiliary workers provide the main workers with raw materials, material, fuel, energy, transport services, etc., i.e. they are assistants to the main workers, providing the workplace with everything necessary.

Specialists include workers involved in production preparation, engineering support of production and sales of labor products. Technical performers are workers who provide the work of specialists. Managers carry out management functions in the divisions of the enterprise and throughout the enterprise as a whole. These also include chief specialists, deputy managers, bosses, managers, managers, etc. Security workers provide the functions of protecting property and secrets from unauthorized use and theft, and protect managers from threats of violence and physical destruction. Junior service personnel clean premises, maintain common areas, etc. The enterprise needs students to replenish the workforce and to replace those leaving due to age and other reasons.

Personnel are characterized quantitatively and qualitatively

Quantitative characteristics include indicators of payroll and turnout numbers, average payroll numbers (employees, industrial production personnel, non-industrial personnel, categories of workers). The payroll number is determined as of a certain date according to the list, taking into account the employees hired and dismissed on this date. Turnout number— this is the number of employees who showed up for work on a certain date. This indicator is used to determine time loss and absenteeism. The average number of employees is determined by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month and dividing this amount by the number of calendar days of the month.

The qualitative characteristics of personnel are professional and qualified performance of work. A profession is a type of work activity that requires special training and is a source of livelihood. Each profession has specialties. For example, the profession of a mechanic - specialization as a plumber, or the profession of an economist - specialization in accounting. Qualification - degree of skill, characterized by the number of category (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) or categories (1st, 2nd, 3rd), or class (3rd, 2 -th, 1st, highest).

Requirements for the degree of skill in performing work in blue-collar professions are set out in qualification reference books. The main one is Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory works and professions of workers (ETKS). Additional are industry qualification directories and qualification directories of enterprises for work not included in the ETKS. Requirements for the degree of skill in performing work by employees are set out in the qualification reference books for employee positions (KSDS), in regulations and job descriptions. A position is a type of mental activity necessary to fulfill qualification requirements at a special workplace of an employee.

The professionally qualified composition of employees of each company (enterprise) is formed on the basis of the laws of supply and demand existing in the labor market and production. The derivative nature of the demand for labor resources depends on the magnitude of the demand for finished goods and services.

When determining the company's needs for the appropriate category of workers, it is necessary to take into account:
  • labor productivity or labor intensity of products;
  • market value or price of manufactured products;
  • level of qualifications, technology used;
  • organization of production.

Determination of personnel requirements is carried out separately by personnel groups. The number of PPP is determined for each category of workers. When planning the number of workers, the payroll and attendance are determined. The roster includes all permanent, seasonal and temporary workers. Turnout - the number of workers who must be at work on a given shift. The initial data for planning the number of workers are usually production volumes, labor intensity of the production program, staffing schedules, service standards, working time balances for one average worker, and shift schedules. The working time balance characterizes the average number of days and hours that one worker can work in a planning period.

Labor collective

Employees of one enterprise are labor collective, i.e. a group of employees united by a common goal of the enterprise and performing the corresponding types of work activities.

The workforce employed in various sectors of the country’s economy and its regions differs by gender, age, nationality, education, type of work, profession, specialty and qualifications.

All workers are divided into two categories:

  1. industrial production personnel (main activity personnel);
  2. personnel of non-industrial organizations on the balance sheet of industrial enterprises (personnel of non-core activities).

The number of industrial production personnel of the enterprise includes workers:

  • main and auxiliary workshops (sections);
  • auxiliary industries;
  • servicing electrical, heating networks, substations, etc.;
  • those employed in loading and unloading operations and transport and storage operations;
  • research, design, design, and technological organizations on the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • production laboratories;
  • engaged in commissioning work;
  • employed at wastewater treatment plants on the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • communication centers on the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • information and computing centers;
  • all types of security;
  • factory showers and baths serving production personnel only for this enterprise;
  • those involved in major and current repairs of equipment, etc.

Personnel engaged in non-core activities of industrial enterprises (non-industrial personnel) include workers:

  • transport, which is on the balance sheet of the enterprise and serves housing, utilities and other organizations of non-core activities;
  • construction laboratories;
  • work organization design groups and design bureaus, groups, geodetic services of construction organizations;
  • those engaged in major repairs of buildings and structures carried out using economic methods;
  • trade and catering;
  • enterprises constantly engaged in the procurement of agricultural products, as well as agricultural raw materials for industrial processing;
  • subsidiary agricultural enterprises included on the balance sheet of industrial enterprises;
  • editorial offices of newspapers and radio broadcasting;
  • housing sector;
  • municipal enterprises and consumer services enterprises;
  • serving medical institutions (medical units, health centers, dispensaries, boarding houses, tourist centers, etc.);
  • physical culture institutions (stadiums, sports palaces, gyms, etc.);
  • educational institutions and courses;
  • preschool education institutions;
  • cultural institutions;
  • libraries, except technical ones, etc.

Workers and employees

All employees of enterprises are divided into two groups: workers and employees.

Workers(workers of mass professions) this is the largest group, which is divided into workers in basic work and auxiliary work. Essential workers are engaged in the main production of enterprises. Support workers help key workers perform work related to the main activity of the enterprise.

By skill level, workers can be:

  • qualified;
  • low-skilled;
  • unskilled.

Their ratio at the enterprise depends on the types and volumes of work performed.

Employees- These are managers and specialists. Managers and specialists perform the functions of general management and technical leadership. Specialists include workers with higher or special secondary education. Certain professions require higher education. For other professions, education can be either higher or secondary specialized. Specialists are divided into categories based on their level of education.

“Personnel” unites the components of the organization’s workforce. We include as personnel all workers (work collective) performing production or management operations and engaged in the processing of objects of labor using labor tools. The concepts of “personnel”, “workers”, “staff” are synonymous if we take our definition as a basis. In the future, we will use the term “personnel”, used in the state educational standard (SES) and the most accepted in domestic and foreign practice.

workers, or production personnel, carry out labor activities in material production with a predominant share of physical labor. They provide production, exchange, sales and service. Production personnel can be divided into two components: core personnel - workers primarily employed in the assembly shops of the enterprise; support personnel - workers primarily employed in the procurement and service departments of the enterprise.

The result of the work of production personnel is products in material form (buildings, cars, televisions, furniture, food, clothing, etc.).

Employees, or management personnel, carry out labor activities in the process of production management with a predominant share of mental labor. They are busy processing information using technical controls. The main result of their work activity is the study of management problems, the creation of new information, changing its content or form, preparing management decisions, and after the manager selects the most effective option - implementing and monitoring the execution of decisions. Management personnel are divided into two main groups: managers and specialists.

The fundamental difference between managers and specialists lies in the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees subordinate to them. Depending on the scale of management, a distinction is made between line managers, who are responsible for making decisions on all management functions, and functional managers, who implement individual management functions.

The company’s specialists can be divided into three main groups depending on the results of their work:

functional management specialists, the result of whose activities is management information (referents, economists, accountants, financiers, marketers, etc.);

specialists - engineers, the result of whose activities is design and technological or design information in the field of engineering and production technology (technologists, engineers, designers, builders, designers, etc.);

employees are technical specialists (typists, operators, couriers, elevator operators, storekeepers, waiters, etc.) who perform auxiliary work in the management process.

Interrelation of subsystems of work with personnel

Personnel management system - this is a set of principles and methods of personnel management of workers and employees V organizations.

The organization's personnel management system consists of six interconnected subsystems:

Personnel policy determines the general line and fundamental principles in working with personnel for the long term.

Recruitment consists in forming a personnel reserve to mix vacant jobs.

Personel assessment carried out to determine the suitability of an employee for a vacant or occupied position.

Personnel placement must ensure a constant flow of personnel based on the results of an assessment of their potential, individual contribution, planned career and availability of vacant positions.

Personnel adaptation - This is the process of adaptation of the team to “the changing conditions of the external and internal environment of the organization, and of piecework individuals to the workplace and the work collective).

Training designed to ensure compliance of the professional knowledge and skills of workers with the modern level of production and management.

The personnel management system is reflected in such important documents as: the organization’s charter; philosophy of the organization; internal labor regulations; collective agreement; staffing table of the enterprise; regulations on remuneration and bonuses; regulations on divisions; employee's employment contract; job descriptions; workplace models; management regulations, etc.

Work with personnel should be considered as a system, including personnel policy, selection, assessment, placement, adaptation and training of personnel, and be reflected in the main regulatory documents of the enterprise.

1. Personnel unites all components of the organization’s workforce that perform production or management functions and are engaged in the processing of objects of labor using means of labor.

2. There are 4 concepts of personnel management: labor management, human resource management, personnel management, social management.

3. The personnel management system is a set of principles and methods for personnel management of workers and employees in an organization and includes 7 subsystems: personnel management concepts, personnel policies, personnel selection, personnel assessment, personnel placement, adaptation and training of personnel.

Personnel structure

Organizational structure

Personnel (personnel) is the most important part of the organization and has a complex structure. System analysis allows us to consider personnel as an interconnection of structures identified according to various characteristics (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Personnel structure

Organizational structure - this is the composition and subordination of interconnected management units. It is presented in the form of a diagram reflecting a set of structural divisions (units) and administrative connections between them.

Functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and individual divisions.

Role structure characterizes the division of team members into creative, communication and behavioral roles.

Social structure characterizes the workforce according to social indicators (gender, age, profession and qualifications, nationality, education, etc.).

Regularstructure determines the composition of departments and the list of positions, the amounts of official salaries and the wage fund.

Management link- an independent part of the organizational structure at a certain stage (level), consisting of management staff and production units.

Control stage (level) - unity of management links equally distant from the top link (top) of the organizational structure.

Control apparatus (body)- a team of employees of the management system, vested with the rights to coordinate the activities of divisions, having premises, technical means, staffing, regulations on structural divisions and job descriptions.

Structural subdivision - an independent part of the management level (department, service, section), performing certain management tasks based on the regulations on the structural unit. There are functional and production divisions.


1. Organizational structure is the composition of both subordinate and interconnected management units. It is presented in the form of a diagram reflecting a set of structural divisions (units) and administrative connections between them.

2. Functional structure - classification of management activities according to the commonality of the subject of management and production resources.

3. The role structure determines the composition and distribution of creative, communication and behavioral roles between individual employees of the enterprise and is an important tool in working with personnel.

4. Social structure characterizes the enterprise team as a set of social groups classified according to social characteristics (gender, age, education, marital status, etc.).

5. The staffing structure (schedule) determines the composition of departments and the list of positions, the amounts of official salaries and personal allowances, the monthly and annual payroll of the organization.

The concept of “labor resources,” as already noted, is used to characterize the working-age population on a national, regional, economic sector or enterprise scale; within an individual enterprise, the most commonly used concept is “personnel.”

The main criterion for classifying an individual as a member of the “personnel” group is his involvement as a carrier of labor power in labor relations within a particular enterprise.

Personnel (from the Latin personalis - personal) is the personnel of an enterprise, including all employees, as well as working owners and co-owners. Main characteristics of personnel:

  • 1. the existence of his labor relationship with the employer, which is formalized by an employment contract;
  • 2. possession of certain qualitative characteristics (profession, specialty, qualifications, competence, etc.), the presence of which determines the employee’s activities in a specific position or workplace;
  • 3. target orientation of personnel activities, i.e. creating conditions for the employee to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

Providing a unified and comprehensive impact on the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, personnel management:

  • 1. integrates into the overall enterprise management system, linking it with strategic guidelines and corporate culture, as well as with planning of research, production, sales, quality improvement, etc.;
  • 2. includes an extensive system of permanent and program measures for regulating employment, planning jobs, organizing the selection, placement and training of personnel, forecasting the content of work, etc.;
  • 3. involves careful consideration of the qualities and professional characteristics of employees, as well as assessment of their activities;
  • 4. centralizes labor management in the hands of one of the managers of the enterprise, and also takes measures to improve the mechanism of personnel work.

The main characteristics of the enterprise personnel are the number and structure.

  • 1. The number of personnel of an enterprise depends on the nature, complexity, labor intensity of production (or other) and management processes, the degree of their mechanization, automation, and computerization. These factors determine its standard (planned) value. More objectively, the personnel is characterized by the list (actual) number, i.e. the number of employees who officially work at the enterprise at the moment.
  • 2. The personnel structure of an enterprise is a set of separate groups of employees, united according to a number of characteristics and categories.

Depending on participation in the production process, the following are distinguished:

  • 1. industrial production personnel (IPP) - these are workers directly related to production;
  • 2. non-industrial personnel - these are employees not directly related to production and its maintenance and employees of the social infrastructure of the enterprise (workers of children's and medical institutions on the balance sheet of the enterprise, etc.).

Industrial and production personnel, depending on the nature of their job functions, are divided into categories:

  • (I) workers - workers directly involved in the creation of wealth or the provision of production and transport services. Workers are divided into: main workers directly involved in the production of products; auxiliary workers associated with production maintenance;
  • (2) specialists - workers performing economic, engineering, technical, legal, administrative and other functions. These include economists, engineers, technologists, lawyers, personnel inspectors, accountants, etc.;
  • (3) employees (technical performers) - employees performing financial and accounting functions, preparation and execution of documents, business services and other functions. These include secretaries, timekeepers, cashiers, forwarders, etc.;
  • (4) managers - carry out the functions of enterprise management. Managers can be conditionally divided into three levels: the highest (the enterprise as a whole - director, general director, manager and their deputies); medium (heads of main structural units - shops, departments, departments, as well as chief specialists); grassroots (working with performers - heads of bureaus, sectors, foremen).

The division of the enterprise's personnel into categories is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents - the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees and the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers.

The gender and age structure of an enterprise's personnel is the ratio of personnel groups by gender (men, women) and age. The age structure is characterized by the proportion of persons of corresponding ages in the total number of personnel. When studying the age composition, the following groupings are recommended; 16, 17, 18, 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 years and older.

The structure of personnel by level of education characterizes the division of employees with higher education, incomplete higher education, secondary specialized, secondary general.

The structure of personnel by length of service can be considered based on the total length of service and length of service at a given enterprise.

The professional structure of an enterprise's personnel is the ratio of representatives of various professions or specialties (economists, accountants, workers) with theoretical and practical skills acquired as a result of training and work experience in this field.

The qualification structure of personnel is the ratio of workers of different skill levels (degree of professional training) required to perform certain job functions. In our country, the skill level of workers is determined by rank or class, and for specialists - by category, rank or class.

The structure of the enterprise personnel (Fig. 1) can also be considered according to other criteria.

Rice. 1.

Organizational structure is the composition and subordination of officials in accordance with the organizational structure of the enterprise.

The functional structure reflects the functional division of labor in the field of enterprise management and the ratio of individual groups of personnel depending on the specific management functions they perform (personnel management, finance, repairs, etc.).

The staffing structure reflects the composition of the personnel in accordance with the staffing table of the enterprise, which provides for the delimitation of rights and responsibilities and is expressed in a system of positions in the order in which they are held.

Social structure characterizes the workforce of an enterprise as a set of groups divided by gender, age, marital status, level of education, income level, etc.

The role structure of the team determines the composition and distribution of creative, communicative and behavioral roles between individual employees. Creative roles are typical for organizers and inventors. Communicative roles determine the content and participation of workers in decision making. Behavioral roles characterize typical patterns of employee behavior at work, at work, and in conflict situations.

The analysis of the personnel structure should be carried out systematically in order to make timely decisions by the head of the enterprise and the personnel service to improve it and comply with the management and production tasks being solved.

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